The Alton Historical Society meets at 7:00 pm on the third Tuesday of the months of April through October, in the Agnes Thompson Meeting Room on the lower level of the Gilman Library. 100 Main Street, Alton, NH. These meetings begin with a brief business meeting, followed by a carefully selected program with visuals, always sure to peak audience interest!
Scroll down for contact info, directions, and map.
The Alton Historical Society was formed in Alton, New Hampshire in 1950. Alton Historical Society objectives are the encouragement of interest in the history of Alton by all appropriate means including the collection, display and preservation of articles of historic interest for the benefit of this and future generations. Our goal is to collect, organize, preserve and display for public education and enjoyment, historical materials pertaining to the Town of Alton, New Hampshire
The Alton Historical Museum, located on the lower level of the Gilman Library, is open by appointment. The museum has an assortment of memorabilia pertaining to the history of Alton. You will find old pictures and post cards depicting Alton from the turn of the century that show many areas the way they were along with old buildings that are no longer in existence. You can also find information on the many youth camps that were active in Alton Bay during the 1900's.
Information and pictures of old boats that sailed the waters of Lake Winnipesaukee, like the old steamboat Mt. Washington, the Swallow, and the mail boat The Tonamar, are on exhibit. We have furniture, birds, clothing and a roller used to move the old Mt. Washington onto land. Information is available for research of the many areas of Alton and the people who lived here New members are welcomed! In addition, the Society always encourages sponsors for the benefit of annual programs, the restoration of the J. Jones Freight Building", and acquisition of Museum artifacts.
The Alton Historical Society is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization.
Alton: a town to remember, is a 96 page collection of old photographs of the town of Alton, New Hampshire, published by the Alton Old Photograph Committee, Alton Historical Society, Alton, New Hampshire. The cost is $10 plus shipping and handling.. Contact us by mail, email, or telephone, to order your copy today. Also available for purchase at the Gilman Library, 100 Main Street, Alton, NH.
Join the Alton Historical Society.
Download and print out the pdf and mail it with your membership dues.
Corresponding Secretary ~ Karen Briggs ~ kbriggs@tds.net.
Treasurer - Mary Cornelissen ~ cotntail@tds.net
Recording Secretary - Sandy Hammond ~ sandy2@metrocast.net
Director - Muriel Stinson ~ mstinson@tds.net
For an appointment to visit the Historical Society Museum at the Gilman Library, please send an email to cotntail@tds.net
100 Main Street, Alton, New Hampshire 03809, United States
Please report broken links or other website issues to rozabenoit@gmail.com
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